ADAM has over 30 years of experience in successfully monitoring, administering, and maintaining payroll compliance across the tax and regulatory bodies in Latin America.
We understand how essential tax compliance and regulatory compliance is to payroll. And, we understand how quickly and frequently these rules change. It’s often hard for businesses to keep their systems up-to-date. That is why ADAM automatically keeps its clients’ software current.
ADAM’s compliance specialists monitor current and pending legislation across all 30 countries ADAM serves ensuring ADAM Payroll is always up-to-date and in compliance with federal rules and regulations for tax, labor, and social security matters. In particular, the team pays close attention to administrative changes that may require modification of various forms submitted to federal agencies. Since these forms are automatically generated by ADAM Payroll during a payroll event, such as hiring or firing, it’s critical to ensure these forms are correct to ensure payroll efficiency.
Communication is key. Our compliance team issues timely notices to clients alerting them of any pending regulatory changes and describing how these changes will affect payroll. Further, the compliance team works closely with the technical team to ensure all technical updates to ADAM Payroll correctly apply to the legislative updates.
Once confirmed, the technical team automatically applies these updates to ADAM On Demand clients, and ADAM On Premise clients are updated upon request. Importantly, ADAM includes ADAM’s standard fiscal updates with the cost of ADAM On Demand and ADAM On Premise.
Please click here to see which countries ADAM currently serves. As well, please contact us for more detailed information about ADAM’s compliance monitoring.

ADAM’s compliance specialists monitor current and pending legislation across all 30 countries the company serves ensuring Payroll is always up-to-date and in compliance with federal rules and regulations for tax, labor, and social security matters.
Because ADAM focuses intensely on payroll accuracy, we provide these updates for all clients using its Payroll On Demand, Payroll On Premise, and BPO/HRO solutions at no additional charge.