ADAM’s Human Resource Information Management (HRIM) platform consists of three powerful modules that together can verify the identity of employees, prospective employees, visitors, or other individuals: digitally archive all employment data; and facilitate the management of large numbers of employees.
ADAM’s HRIM tools are ideal for companies with high employee turnover rates, for example, staffing agencies, retailers, manufacturers, and agribusinesses, that must hire fast and verify identities even faster. These tools are also extremely useful for managing large amounts of data and employees on a cost-effective basis.
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ADAM’s Master Employee Records system is a document management solution tailored to meet the many needs of a busy human resources department. The system serves as a single master repository for all employee data regardless of whether that data was manually input, imported from other systems, or scanned using ADAM’s Digitalization tools.
The system creates master employee files for all employees and stores all pertinent data in searchable form. These files can include government IDs, employment applications, vacation requests, paystubs and paychecks, and virtually any other type of relevant personal data. The system works seamlessly with all other ADAM products to ensure that data is stored efficiently and securely. Your files are easily accessible from any application, including ADAM, SAP and PeopleSoft.

Beyond our unified HCM solution, ADAM provides document delivery and certification solutions that enable you to create a seamless workflow fully integrated into the statutory frameworks of the countries in which you operate. These solutions include:
ADAM Document Certification distributes paystubs and other documents requiring signatures to employees without requiring paper copies or physical employee signatures. This system allows employees to electronically certify the receipt of documents and electronically sign everything from contracts, annual tax certificates (W-2s), and paystubs to other documents requiring physical signatures.
Using ADAM’s proprietary technology, your employees can now securely acknowledge receipt on their smartphones, tablets, kiosks, or computers. Because employee signatures are secure, encrypted, and digitally certified, the signatures are legally recognized, just as paper would be. Furthermore, these signatures and receipts are automatically digitally archived for statutory and auditing purposes. This digital archiving eliminates the need for physically storing and retrieving these receipts and documents.
ADAM Paystub Delivery software digitally signs and delivers official documents, including paystubs, invoices, contracts, and other documents to federal agencies in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, and Uruguay for tax certification purposes. The Paystub Delivery module and service manages the digital stamping process, electronically delivers receipts to the appropriate federal agencies, and archives paystubs and other stamped documents to ensure companies comply with tax obligations across Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Digitization component of ADAM’s HR content management solution imports paper information into ADAM and intelligently sorts files to begin a workflow based on the type of form scanned. Scanned documents, whether handwritten or machine-printed, are digitized via Optical Character Recognition so they become searchable.
The system can accommodate virtually any type of scanned form that could be used by an employee or manager, from employment applications and new hire forms to vacation requests, signed paystubs, and more. Using inexpensive scanners, this module scans documents without requiring new software installations or drivers and without storing sensitive employee data on local computers. (All data is scanned directly into ADAM’s secure storage.)
For example, a new employee may fill out a job application. ADAM’s Digitization software automatically recognizes the form as a job application and automatically creates a new employee file, digitizes all handwritten data, inserts that data into the appropriate fields, stores a copy of the scan in the appropriate Master Employee Record, and notifies the HR department that a new application has arrived.
Similarly, employees can fill out vacation request forms by hand and deliver them to human resources. Once scanned, ADAM recognizes the form, digitizes the information, and initiates the appropriate workflow to notify and request approval from an employee’s manager. Both the employee and the HR manager save invaluable time and can instead focus on their core job responsibilities.

Identity Verification works in conjunction with ADAM’s Digitization software to recognize and verify both handwritten signatures and official forms of identification, dramatically improving the security of your firm’s HR, administrative, and banking transactions.
ADAM’s signature recognition module extracts signatures from any scanned document and compares them in real time against historical signatures stored within Master Employee Records or those on official identification documents. When deployed throughout the identity validation process, this module reduces the risk of fraud or falsification of identity.
This module is ideal for verifying the authenticity of signed documents, such as checks, authorization forms, and other legal documents. It can also be used to verify signatures at company stores without the use of cards, IDs, or other documents. Additionally, the software provides identification and credential validation to guarantee authenticity of governmental identification documents.
ADAM’s one-of-a-kind system ensures that credentials such as drivers licenses and passports are not fraudulent. By verifying hundreds of unique points of any governmental documentation against a centralized database and by verifying UV and other hidden identifiers, ADAM ensures that the credentials are valid. Using scanners provided by ADAM, the system checks the veracity of the documentation and imports relevant information directly into a Master Employee Record or any other ADAM module requested by the user.