ADAM Talent management provides human resources professionals with the tools necessary to attract, align, manage, and motivate top talent throughout their organizations. Its features manage all phases of an employee’s career, from recruiting and training through performance management and career planning.

ADAM’s Talent Acquisition tools simplify the recruitment, hiring, and onboarding process by managing the workflow and process from end to end. Customizable workflows give companies the ability to centrally manage and monitor the recruiting process, from creating and managing job descriptions to posting employment opportunities online to evaluating candidates. ADAM helps companies set the hiring tempo by centralizing internal requests for new hires, managing vacant positions, and keeping all of HR on a common recruitment calendar.
Hiring is just one more step in the process. Hiring the candidate automatically transfers all the information that has already been entered into ADAM as part of the recruiting process into that employee’s new employment record. And, all documents that need to be generated for the new hire are automatically generated for government filing.

The Performance management module integrates three key elements of professional development—performance management, career planning and employee assessment—to help develop career plans based on ability and anticipated company needs over time. Further, it assists HR personnel monitoring the required training and skills an employee needs in order to progress along their anticipated career pathway over time.

ADAM’S eLearning & Training module ensures that each employee has the proper training for the position they are in and the positions they aspire to move into over the course of their career. It’s a central repository for managing training schedules, course listings and prerequisites, training plans, course and budget management and course assessments, as well as historical training data and reporting.

ADAM’s Skill & Profile management module is a repository for the qualifications and skills needed for each position throughout a company. By defining the skills needed for any particular job, this module lays out a roadmap for promotion and shows which existing employees are qualified for particular positions. It also shows what skills they may be lacking and then indicates a need for recruitment or additional training.
Here’s to giving your people a platform to outperform.

The Wage & Salary management module organizes a company’s wage policy, standardizing employee compensation across various levels of staff and management. These features allow companies to manage overall compensation, simulate changes in salaries, produce wage charts, and perform analysis across a range of simulated salary scenarios. As well, this module helps detect inequities and biases in the enforcement of a company's wage policy and evaluates an organization’s competitiveness within a market to ensure compensation is appropriate.