ADAM is committed to providing clients and partners with a deep knowledge and understanding of our products and services to ensure their full value is realized. Understanding the best practices for deployment, management, and daily use of our suite of products is essential to streamlining the human capital management process.

Course participants learn product functionality details in order to effectively run the human resources processes managed within our ADAM Payroll and Human Talent.
This course is intended for HR and management personnel involved in running payroll and the human capital management processes.
Attendees who complete the course will have skills to 1) add, remove, and manage employees; 2) change the status of individuals and groups; 3) manage employees’ financial credits, vacation days, and other benefits; 4) effectively run payroll processes; and 5) design and run reports.

This course is directed toward clients’ and partners’ technical staff and designed to teach participants how to set up and manage various components of ADAM modules, including Kernel, Payroll, Human Talent, and other management features.
This course is intended for IT technical staff and consultants responsible for operating and integrating ADAM with a client’s ERP applications, as well as project managers responsible for running payroll and other human capital processes within a client's organization.
Attendees who complete the course will have skills to 1) use and configure ADAM; 2) migrate information into and out of ADAM; 3) configure and run payrolls; 4) create custom reports; 5) configure and install the employee portal; and 6) configure fiscal components of the software.

This program is specially designed for ADAM’s partners directly involved in deploying ADAM. Participants will acquire necessary knowledge about the ADAM deployment processes along with best practices for installation, development, and customization.
When you put the best in, you get the best out.
This course is intended for technical consultants overseeing and managing ADAM 5 deployments, developers creating tools and plugins for ADAM, and project managers responsible for implementing ADAM. Attendees must have previously taken the "ADAM End User" and the "ADAM Administrative User" courses, plus possess intermediate knowledge of .NET, SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft IIS 6.0. (A general knowledge of payroll processes and human resources is preferred.)
Attendees who complete the course will have skills to 1) design and implement the ADAM deployment project plan with clients under the supervision of an ADAM project manager; 2) use and configure ADAM; 3) create custom reports in ADAM; 4) configure and install the employee portal; 5) create custom plugins for ADAM; 6) configure the fiscal components of the software; and 7) explain and demonstrate ADAM’s features.
ADAM’s training team specializes in certification and training of end users, in-house technical advisors, and partners to ensure that each trainee has a positive, productive experience with our software. Customized training is also available upon request. For more information about ADAM training, please submit requests here.