The foundation of the ADAM software universe, ADAM Core Server, is a set of databases, tools, and features that perform a wide array of business-critical functions, such as secure authentication management and auditing. It also enables core communication functions by providing workflows, messaging, reporting, analytics, and integration into other software.
Because every component of your ADAM solution shares the same core sources of information, they can seamlessly interact with each other and with ADAM’s other products to maintain consistent centralized records for each employee. This integration also gives applications such as SAP and PeopleSoft a simple pathway to interact with ADAM, ensuring your ADAM solution seamlessly integrates into your existing workflow.
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Formerly known as InfoCenter, ADAM Analytics is a completely new reporting system compatible with our entire suite of software. It allows users to instantly create custom reports and charts that can be readily exported in a variety of formats, including Excel, Word, XML, and others.

Audit Trail provides a granular look into your historic data, logging system requests, payroll changes, and all other actions taken across the ADAM system. This data is maintained for up to three months, with extended data collection available upon request.

In the workplace, access to sensitive information, such as payroll data, needs to be tightly managed and controlled. The holistic ADAM environment provides the control and granular management of information that companies of all sizes need. Through ADAM Authentication Management, your users can only access the features and data that they have been explicitly authorized to view.
Two-factor authentication is available for both users and administrators of your ADAM solution. The system utilizes both traditional tokens employing a numeric keypad and fingerprint identification tokens to ensure secure access to sensitive data. Single sign-on (via SAML 2.0) is also available to clients who maintain central authentication management servers or services. Alternatively, ADAM can serve as a central platform against which employee verifications can be made.

ADAM Workflow coordinates business processes related to human talent management, compensation, and other HR processes. This core module defines the individual steps of an HR process, routing data and requesting approvals from management and other departments, and generates notifications to those involved in the process through the Notification module.

ADAM is designed to integrate with the other software systems in your enterprise through a variety of methods. ADAM’s Integration Bus facilitates easy communication with third-party software no matter the language being spoken. If we do not readily integrate with your solution today, we can quickly build a custom interface that works with the software you need to use.

Centralizing employee data is a must in today’s data-driven world. ADAM provides a suite of tools to ensure that historical data can be easily imported. Our Data Migration & Processing applications ensure that this data is compatible with ADAM’s data format and that it can be brought in-line with ADAM software standards. Doing so makes for easier, faster installations and ensures historical analytics and reporting are readily available.

ADAM Core Server includes a robust, secure, web-based communication system that enables your employees to get the information they need precisely when they need it. Integrated with ADAM Navigator, the Notifications function disseminates information related to payroll, paystubs, vacation requests and approvals, savings and loan balances, and other information to the appropriate recipients across your entire company.

The Organizational Structure module allows you to define features, responsibilities, training needs, and profiles of positions across your entire organization. It provides a central location from which you can manage your organizational chart, the jobs therein, and your staffing needs.

ADAM maintains a centralized database of all basic employee data that serves as a definitive record of all company employees, accessible by ADAM software and your third-party accounting and ERP systems. Personnel Inventory is augmented by the Master Employee Record system, which maintains digitized, paperless copies of all employee records, including identification, forms, and other pertinent information.

ADAM offers web-based interfaces, mobile interfaces, and thick-client interfaces for employees, HR professionals, and ADAM administrators.
Using ADAM Navigator, your employees can access their personal information, request vacation time, receive paystubs, and perform all other administrative tasks via computers, mobile devices, or kiosks. HR professionals can utilize the same web-based interface to perform all tasks related to ADAM’s suite of products, from setting up payroll to managing hires to identity verification. All functions are centralized into one portal, accessible from any location.
Your employees and HR professionals can access their respective accounts from a similar thick-client ADAM Operator, which may be installed on local computers to limit data accessibility to specific terminals. Alternatively, you may employ two-factor authentication or single-sign-on management through ADAM Core’s Authentication Management features.

We understand that each of our clients has its own unique recruiting, compensation, and payroll practices. That’s why ADAM solutions have been built to adapt to these different needs. ADAM gives you the ability to fully configure key system components to fit the needs of your organization, regardless of whether you operate from one office or across multiple countries.
Employee records, payroll frequency, and reporting formats are among many of the aspects of your ADAM system that can be customized by employee, corporate division, or country, as needed. For security purposes, administrators can utilize a separate web interface to manage user profiles and other sensitive management and security tasks through ADAM Administrator.